Welcome to the studio

For as long as I can remember, art and music making have been a continuous exploration, informing and fueling each other in a multi-faceted dance. My art features various recurring themes including elements of the natural world and our relationship within them, a sense of place, habitat, belonging, identity, home, family and ancestral lines. The use of strong color and many layers of paint, conveys a depth of feeling and a presence which resonates with these themes in the final pieces.

I was born in Reno, Nevada, moving to California at just a few weeks old. In the course of life, I have moved many times. This has left room in my heart for more than one place that feels like home. At the same time, it has nurtured a strong desire to explore ancestral lines, seeking to learn more about those who came before me, those whose lives lead directly to my own.

While living in Wales, UK, I began to paint. It always felt like music was my first love, but early on, I also began making art all the time, drawing on everything. My art and music are woven together, two deeply related facets of one creative force. Paintings work their way into songs, and songs work their way into paintings and the cycle continues.

Art represented by:
Portland Art Museum Rental Sales Gallery…

Imogen Gallery, Astoria, Oregon.…

Studio visits welcomed by appointment in Vancouver, Washington.

Currently in the studio recording a new album! It is a collaboration with Mark Dybvig and together, we are known as "Follow Me Home". Stay tuned for album release and upcoming shows. You can follow us on Instagram and Facebook to hear news.